Simple Ways
To Make Spaces Speak

So your home is all set. The place looks great and you can’t wait to move in. But then you realize it’s missing that element of interest. That certain lively quality you imagined is not yet captivating enough. Here are some ideas that can put the life back in living rooms -

In common areas where you expect to entertain guests, a rich centerpiece with a story behind it can create an excellent visual pull. Art pieces, antiques, or even just out-of-the-ordinary pieces of furniture work well. Remember, centerpiece doesn’t mean it belongs in the middle of everything.
Break the norm

When things get too monotonous, the simplest way is to chose a section where you can throw-in the unexpected. A break in color theme, a deviation from the mood, a change in the pattern. There’s no telling what could work. The best way to achieve this is to try and make the change as seamless as possible.