That’s not how she likes it, you say? Well, read on. You can switch off the main light sources. All you have to do is illuminate your bedroom with candles..
The glamour and mystique of such a setting is unmistakably appealing. Dim ambient lighting is the key. Not just candles, you can even think warm glowing lava lamps or an exquisite little chandelier – anything at all to keep the eternal flame of love burning.

You need to stay focussed.

If you’ve got kids, you’ve probably got hot wheels and lego sets strewn all over the floor.
That being the case, can you blame your woman if her maternal instincts flare up every now and then while you wait in anticipation? There is a place for your kids’ toys – their room. Clean up the bedroom when you want to spend some alone time with your partner. There is something seductively linked to the imagination in a clean bedroom.

There is something very cozy and intimate about ‘corners’. The reason why ‘corner seats’ in theaters have a bad name.
You can transfrom your bedroom into a cozy retreat by getting a love seat or a rocking armchair and placing it in a fine corner. Complete the look by spreading a warm rug and throwing some beautiful duvets. You will see that she never wants to leave the room. You can also be of greta help to her by knowing all about your kitchen. Read our blog on 10 reasons men should know their kitchens inside out, for ideas on getting to know your kitchen.

and the throws

Pillows are a popular bedroom accessory. They have found more than one use in the bedroom – I’m sure many experimental men will vouch for it.
Time to put them to another good use. When it comes to making a bed cozy, the more pillows and throws you add, the more difference you can make. Pillows with feathers can make your bed feel like the lap of luxury. Very soon your bedroom will be bathing in pheromones.

You know what an effortless way to decorate your room would be? Photos. Now is the opportunity to thank your partner’s love for selfies.
All those photographs - from when you were both holidaying in Phuket or from the times when you both attended her best friend’s wedding – must find a place in your bedroom. It sets the mood just right, like a little trip down memory lane. She’ll turn to pulp in no time.

This is where things get a little bold. Now, I get that not everyone is going to be into this.
But if you are, you understand the eroctic dimension a full length mirror can bring to your bedroom. Plus, it makes the room look bigger. Why wouldn’t you want one?

Most of the tips on this list are for your eyes. This one is for another sense, one that is better linked to your intimacy - smell. Use scented candles, reed diffuser sticks or lingering room sprays – find a reason to investigate appealing scents with her. In the process, you may end up discovering a host of other secrets.

Another cliche that really works - flowers. There are a thousand varieties and you can change them everyday if you like.
There are a thousand varieties and you can change them everyday if you like. The smell of fresh flowers lingering in your bedroom while you cozy up to your partner is simply the best aphrodisiac. Combine it with some incense sticks or aroma oils and you have a clear winner. Go ahead, give it a go.